-Finally saw Wicked. LOVED IT.
-Got a high-five from Meredith Vieira on the Today Show and Jimmy Fallon in the the same day.
-Yankees/Redsox game in the Bronx. (Scariest subway ride of our lives. Janelle was wearing a Red Sox hoodie and got chewed out by some sketch Yankee fans.)
-Taking the NBC Studio tour, meeting a real life NBC page, seeing the SNL studio.
-Watch Celebrity Apprentice in our hotel at night knowing that Trump Tower was only minutes away.
-Checking out the Trade Center progress. It was very humbling to be there.
-Riding bikes through Central Park. I love that park with all my heart. I wish you all could meet our bike tour guide. He changed my life.
-Taking a boat ride around Manhattan.
-Watching the sunset from the Top of the Rock. (The top of the Empire State wasn't as good.)
-Taking a Movie Bus tour. (Gnomes, guess what? I went to Dean and Deluca from Felicity. It was great.)
-Went to a wax museum for the first time. Weirdest thing I've ever done. Confusing real humans with wax is super weird and very embarrassing.
-Visiting the Manhattan and Palmyra Temples. Wonderful.
-Joining a gay parade. ...by accident.
-Going to the Met. Going to the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met. Going through the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met with Tim Gunn. He was everything I thought he would be.
These pictures are all out of order. Between the 5 of us we had 3,000 pictures. I'm not kidding. I was tired of sorting them so here are a few random ones that I liked.