Well today is a day to go in the Journal. I have been waiting for this day my whole life. I didn't think this would happen to me until I was in Alaska but today as I was sitting in my car in College Ward Utah, I glanced over to a group of trees along a little frozen river and noticed something out of the ordinary.
Since my Dad is a bird lover I have learned to always watch for birds. I love watching all the Hawks up here in Logan. They seem to be everywhere and I find them fascinating. Today however the bird was much larger than a Hawk. At first it appeared to be just a huge brown bird, but then, something magical happened. It lifted its beautiful white head up and I almost screamed. Well actually I did, but that is because I really wanted to see it fly and I was trying to scare it. It didn't work and I had to get closer to it. I jumped out of my car. The only thing between my car and the Bird was a huge snow covered field. I started running into the field but I soon realized I was waist deep in snow and was sort of stuck. I'm sure this was very amusing to my patient through her window. I decided I would never make it across that field without getting hypothermia (I was wearing scrubs) so I turned around disappointed. I drove in a square block twice around the field just watching it. A crow landed in the same tree as the Eagle and the crow was not even half the size of It.
This is the greatest day of my life.
*Eagles, as of 2007, are officially off the Endangered and Threatened Lists in the Continental US.
*Eagles make the largest nests of all North American Birds. Up to 13 feet deep and 8 feet wide weighing up to 1 ton!
*The average female weighs 12.8 lbs. The male 8 lbs.
*In Alaska the females may exceed 16 lbs. and have a wingspan of 8 feet. (Oh I love Alaska)
*The average lifespan is 25 years.
*Eagles can fly up to 30 mph while carrying a fish.
*Bald Eagles have powerful talons and have been recorded flying with a 15-pound Mule Deer fawn.
*Eagles mate for life. (I love that)
*Eagles are awesome.
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