Friday, January 8, 2010

My New Life

Well, the first week of my new life is almost over. I've survived. The first couple days were kind of tough but I've adjusted pretty well.

For those of you who I haven't told, I moved in with a little old lady named Gladys. She is the sweetest little lady in the world. I stay here Monday through Friday. Its a pretty cushy job and pays unbelievably well. I end up with a lot of free time so if anyone needs me to do homework for them, or read a book for a book report, or needs a beanie or wants to skype with me, I've got all the time in the world.

Anyways, I miss my gnomes so much but I am doing well.

P.S.- I found a cruise to Alaska for $499 for 7 nights and flights for $250. Start saving your pennies if you want to come.

P.P.S- You are crazy if you don't want to come.


Whittron said...

that sounds awesome, I didn't know you wanted to go to alaska cruise-style. I hear the cruises there are breath-taking!

I'll start saving my pennies, and let you know if I can really go.

Melissa E Photography said...

aaaw.. you moved in with a little old lady roommate? That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. (But hopefully her uterus doesn't fall out. I heard that can happen.)

Love you.

Riana Grace said...

Whitney I was going to go by land so I could see more but it would be almost triple the price. I figured no one would be able to afford to come with me so I'll save my land excursion for another year.

You should come.