Monday, May 3, 2010


So a few years ago I served dinner to the athletes of an Iron Man that was held in Utah County. Everyone was crazy fit and I got to watch them stuff their face, which was awesome, but I never got to see them in action. They just so happen to be in Saint George over the weekend so we had to go check it out. These people swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and run.... A MARATHON!!! They are crazy! We watched a man cross the finish line who had competed in 90 Iron Mans! How do you even do that?

Here is the first woman to pass the finish line. Her husband had come in a couple minutes before her. What a couple! She is 6'2" and awesome.

We also met some biggest loser competitors.

Jessie and I wanted to do this thing so bad but Janelle wouldn't let us. She said the line was too long, (the line consisted a handful of kids that were 2 feet tall). We're still ticked about it.
After watching the athletes we decided to re-create our own Iron Man. We were going to swim laps in Janelle's pool, borrow the unattended bikes on Janelle's patio for a quick ride and then run 3 miles topped off with Foremaster (a monster hill by her apartment). In the end, we laid out by the pool because it was way too windy to swim, ditched the bikes because we wanted a nap after laying out and then a miracle happened- we actually did the crazy run! We surprised ourselves so bad, we felt like iron after it. It was great. I'm so ready for Bear Lake Race next month.

This month is going to be awesome. No work, no stress. A week from today the gnomes will be cruising on the high seas. The gnomes are the best traveling friends I've ever had, I can't wait. See everyone at summer!!

Happy Birthday Juje!!!


Juje said...

Thanks for the shout-out.

I've always wanted to go on those bungee trampoline things. I will go with you someday. We'll shove the kids out of the way.

Collin and Traci said...

Collins bro, Luke, was in that iron man in StGeorge. What a feat. I'm proud of you for sticking with your crazy run... Iron is a good feeling!

Losee Family said...

how fun. I watched those biggest loser people. That is so cool you met them. Iron is good.

مشروع جديد ناجح said...

you have a nice blog
good luck

Nat said...

who the h is noura/rory gilmore? and who is the boy with the curly hair standing next to you? he's cute. also, you look great in those shorts. also, I agree that this month is going to be the best ever.

Riana Grace said...

Oh my gosh I was wondering if she was from gilmore girls!! I'm so glad you noticed.