So yesterday was a day I'll never forget. It all started at 12:30 a.m.. I wanted to meet President Bush in Sandy and have him sign my book. I wasn't planning on camping out but when I saw a line forming the night before I decided to grab a sleeping bag and wait with the crazy people. There is nothing like sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the Costco in the middle of November. I think I got 45 minutes of sleep out there. It was windy and crazy and I had to stand in line for six hours without ANYTHING to do, (they said we couldn't have any purses, books, phones, or anything. The secret service wouldn't allow it.) I felt like I was being tortured. Standing in one place for that many hours seriously blows, but it was worth it. I wish they would have allowed cameras in there. President Bush was wonderful. I tried for the six solid hours in line to try and decide what I should say to him. After ruling out about 5 conversations that made me seem crazy, I finally decided to ask him what his favorite book is. I know he and his wife love to read and I've always wondered. After shaking my hand he said, "My favorite book?... The Bible." It kind of caught me by surprise but I responded with, "Good answer." Then he said, "Well it's the truth." Then he smiled at me and I walked away. It was crazy. He is so great and I'm excited to read his book.
I would like to thank Kylee, Jordan, the mail man, the quiet man behind me in line and Costco for making my dream come true.
After I got home I had to put on my game face to cover up my, oh so tired eyes. Ryan invited me to go to the Jazz game with him. His family is a member of the 100 Club. I had never heard of it but it rocks! We got to have dinner in that fancy restaurant up top before the game and then sit court side! It was wonderful. The last and only time I went to a Jazz game I was in the nose bleed so this was a completely different experience. I loved every second, especially having D-Will practically fall in our laps.
It was a Good day.