Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Read what you love, Love what you read

I am proud to report that as of late every Gnome has turned into a bookworm. It has been so lovely to come home and see all my dear friends curled up in a blanket on the couch deep into their latest book. We all have such different tastes with books but I'm glad we share the same drive and interest. I think it is so important to be well read.

Here is our current list:
Hayley - The Host
Mara - There are no children here
Juje - Saffys Angel
Natalie - Time for Andrew
Mckay - The Hunger Games

I work many hours in a retirement home and there is this Lady who I visit who reads every waking moment. She will turn down a shower because she can't put her book down. She comes to the table at lunch with her book and eats with one hand and reads with the other. I can't help but wonder how many stories and characters and ideas are swirling around in her head.

My latest pick was a Banff Mountain book finalist called The Black Grizzly of Whiskey Creek. It has consumed my mind with bears. It has made me terrified of them but in the same breath so interested and curious of them.

Here is an excerpt;
For him the mountain must seem like a living thing because it provides both food and drink all summer long from alpine meadow to valley bottom, and it speaks to him with the voice of water, with the voice of wind and the voice of the falling rock and snow.


Whittron said...

I love when people share excerpts of the books they read. I also love borrowing peoples books and finding passages that they liked underlined.

I am now wanting to read this book!

Ky said...

oh, i think i would really enjoy this one. Bears are so fascinating. Thanks for the recomendation. I hope all is well with the book gnomes in logan.

Riana Grace said...

It's good so far. It's really detailed which at times can drag on but the story is crazy interesting and terrifying.

Unknown said...

I'M so happy that you are all reading! I want to come and join you.

Two of those books are in my top ten and the others sound really interesting. I'm so proud.