Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I happen to know slash live with a couple girls who are baby hungry. Every time they see a baby their eyes get big and they start drooling and talking baby talk. Okay... maybe I made up the drooling. So far in my life I have only felt that a couple times, usually when an exceptionally cute baby is taken away from me. I love baby's don't me wrong but I don't itch for one, yet.

I do itch for a dog though. Call me crazy but I get all wide eyed every time I see one. That is unless it's small and yappy, then I have no interest. But the majority of the time I want to play with every dog I see. If only I had the space for one.

I'm sure nobody who reads this blog cares about this in the least but here is my dream dog. A Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. They fit my exact specifications. Mark my words, one day I will own one.

I can't wait for that day.


Whittron said...

riana, I care!!! even though I am not a dog lover, I would love you with this dog!! The name would have to be so cool.

Candice and Tim Peterson said...

That is a very beautiful dog!!! I tried with all my might to talk Tim into letting us get a puppy but instead he talked me into getting a kitty. I guess if you don't have kids the next best thing is a pet right!!!