Monday, November 16, 2009

As of late....

I have loved being in school this semester but I am ready for it to be over!! My life has been lacking any and every element of FUN lately. I work almost every second I'm not studying or in class. It's been rough. Because of all this, my overworked brain has been telling me its okay to spend a little money on myself. This idea is healthy and normal in my opinion. The problem is that I am not stopping! Do you want to know what my downfall has been? Wool Socks!! What the heck is wrong with me? For some reason I feel like I need to have a countless supply of them. It's ridiculous. The other day I spent 15 minutes just looking at The Sportsmans selection of Smart Wool. You'd think I was moving to Alaska or something, maybe subconsciously I am planning on it.

Anyways, this post is to promise myself in writing that I am done! My feet should be warm the rest of the winter so you can stop worrying about them.

(I do fully endorse Smart Wool. Just don't get quite as carried away as I did, it might break the bank.)


Melissa E Photography said...

what the... where did your doughnut post go?

Well, first off, I have to say that I am cracking up at your wool sock obsession. Really, Riana? Wool socks? hahahaha

And that doughnut man must harbor some fascination for Johnny Depp and/or Willy Wonka. That is SO weird. Our doughnut man is lame. I have the same pasty checking compulsion and I am always left feeling disappointed. At least your dude is bringing his A game! (albeit twisted).

Melissa E Photography said...

Yes, Riana. The 50mm 1.8 lens is the one! If you want to check it out in action, look at my friends blog, ( and ( She shoot primarily with that lens, and I really like her work.