Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day Five

I'm not going to write much because there is a line of freaky looking people waiting for me to get off but Yesterday was another great one.


-third Obama siting(I think he is stalking us)
-while we were at the air and space museum we got to see Mike Myers(his girlfriend gave me the biggest glare of my life while I was getting a picture of him, i have a picture don't worry)
-i got to stand on the capitol steps right below where the inaugurals take place
-i got to see the Lincoln memorial at night which is how i wanted to see it
-best food of my life

1 comment:

Juje said...

I love your updates. So here's an update on the garden. I planted summer squash, chard, cucumbers, and zucchini. AND look at this blog My mom just posted a picture of all the birds they get from their sock feeder. We should get one of those!