Sunday, December 28, 2008


Today Janelle introduced an idea to write a book about my Dad. I instantly agreed.

-Rafting huge rivers for days at a time by himself on his home made raft at age 12
-Taking the fish you buy at the zoo to feed the seals and putting them in his pocket to take home
-Being chased by the barking handicap man
-Being an avid member of the
Utah Lepidopteris Society (bug club) at the age of 50.
- Kent Catany
- His unique philosophy's on everything in life ranging from Carbs to Intense Igloo construction and Outdoor Survival.

Be prepared to see the Biography "Paul" on your local bookstore shelves soon.

When you google my Dad's full name, this picture pops up for which he is forever embarrassed about. He's 6' 5'' 215 lbs running though a field chasing a butterfly.... Oh how I love him.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Look what Ben gave me for Christmas! The middle one is possibly not quite finished, while I was sitting admiring it a stray tennis ball hit his face on the check and scuffed it up. It was sad.

I love it Ben!!

And I Love you!!

The North Pole

So my family has a tradition every Christmas Eve of driving down to Utah lake which is usually completely iced over and we throw rocks in to try and break through it. It's always been fun and my silly little family just gets a kick out of it, well except Dan now who thinks he is too good for it and stuff.

This year it was exceptionally good. It was so Snowy!! It felt just like the North Pole, or maybe Antarctica would be a better description. I should change the title of this.

When we got to the point we always drive to there was a special new feature... A Pole!!! Now we can really call it the North Pole legitimately. (Okay I won't change it)

Ben was very brave and walked out onto the ice which was pretty patchy at spots. I almost went out with him but the mere thought gave my mom a near heart attack so I stayed back for her.

Our little valley is quite the little wonderland. It made my craving for Alaska even stronger. I will go there even if it kills me. Janelle gave me a book about Alaska for Christmas and I can't put it down.

It's been such a nice Holiday. I'm grateful to be with my Family. They never stop crackin me up which is great exercise for my healing lungs. Oh, for anyone who cares, I am already to 2000 ML on my aspirator. I'm so proud of my self.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

For Sale! I mean for FREE!!

So, Mckay introduced me to Craigslist the other night. It just so happened that earlier that day I was looking through the Classifieds in Logan and I found something of interest. A FREE MINIATURE HORSE!! It's 36 inches high and needs a fun family. I about jumped in my car to pick it up that instance but then logic set in and I realized I didn't really have a place for it unless it was going to be an indoor pet, which I didn't think my roomates would approve of.

I got home later that night and that is when I was introduced to Craigslist. We spent about two hours just browsing around and then we found another thing of interest. A FREE PASTURE!!! Some guy wants his field grazed and would supply the pasture with hay and water.

CRAZY!! Now I just have to figure out if the little guy will fit in my backseat.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Last week Hayley and Chelsea and I marched out to buy a Christmas Tree. Since none of us have a truck, we had to be creative about getting it home. I mulled over our options for about three days and decided that the only logical way would be to walk it home. They agreed, thankfully, and so we bundled up and walked over to Smiths which is luckily only about two blocks away. We picked out the perfect one and got a stand and began our trek home. It was quite a sight but a lot easier than we all had thought.

We rearranged our whole living room to accommodate our new plant. We strung the lights and hung up all the golden balls my mother graciously gave me and called it good. I filled the stand with water and Mckay donated her red sheet for the skirt. It looked perfect and smelled even better! Every time the heater comes on it spreads the scent all around, I love it.

To my disappointment, the next day I checked and the tree hadn't drunk any water!! I started coming to the conclusion that it would die within a day or so because we didn't cut a fresh slice off the bottom.

Sunday night Ben and I decided we wouldn't give up on it that easily. So, we knocked door to door searching for a saw and a nice lady up the street let us borrow hers. It took us about 25 minutes to saw through it due to a incredibly dull saw blade. We put it in the water and let it be.

I checked it later that night and it still hadn't had anything to drink! I decided to give up.

This morning I went over to it because the lights had gone out on part of it and to my astonishment, All the water was gone!!! I was so proud of it!!

Now the trouble is, how long was it dry for? Did it seal off again? agh... This has been way more work than I bargained for. But it is so worth it.

For all of those poor souls who are still reading this, the moral is - Don't give up on a thing. Just when you think all hope is lost, trudge on.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recent Thoughts

* Pre-shredded cheese is the greatest thing.

* The leaf vacuums in Logan are the best thing this city has every done.

* Q-tips are of the devil.

* Pinatas are way more way more expensive than you think.

* Exacto knives, Irons, shirts and freezer paper could keep me entertained for days.

* Aerobics for the Elderly is one of the most magical things I've seen.

* I'm listening to the new Coldplay album and it is the perfect soundtrack to my mood.

* Sam Orton's sense of humor is really as funny as everyone says.

* Life is confusing

* Why do mechanics make almost as much as Doctors?

* The Bluebird's orange cream soda is impossible to replicate.

* Sleep is under-rated.

* Why do I have exema on one knuckle of my pinky finger?

* A drunk man that resembled the kidnapper on Denise the Menace attempted to join our
dance party last night.

* I don't have one piece of clothing that is dirty right now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gnome Life

Since I am new to this Blog thing I have yet to introduce you all (ps- when I say all, I really don't even know if there is anyone who reads this, besides my roomates, and maybe Jo) to my Logan life and style. AKA Lifestyle.

In May, I moved into the Gnome Home. It is located on 400 N. and 304 E. in Logan. I hope no one creepy reads my blog, since I just gave out the location to my sanctuary. I love this home. It attracts the most wonderful people I have ever met. We have only lived here six months and the walls already have so many stories to tell. I live with five other girls. I will not give out their identity but you can see them in the pictures.

Our home at any given time may be experiencing dance parties, smores on an open fire, Ice cream parties, Indian parties, Political Extravaganzs, Giant Turkey Dinners, Penny Poker, Barbeques, Slacklining in the Yard, Bicycle Brigades, secret gnome escapades and the list goes on.....

This home not only attracts the best, and houses our fun, but it also has been the home that has supported all six of us during some of the hardest, most exciting, yet critical times in our individual lives. (That was a messed up sentence) It has brought out the best in us I believe.

So.... That is a sneak peak into gnome life. If you're not a creep, you are welcome over anytime!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas tunes ala carte

So usually I am against listening to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving but last year I discovered a Christmas compilation that I've been sneaking listens to all year. It's Sufjan Stevens Christmas album called Songs for Christmas.

That wonderful man compiled a short self recorded Christmas CD every year for his neighbors. In 2006 he released the 5 separate albums combined into Songs for Christmas. Some he wrote himself, others are his own rendition of well known Christmas songs.

My top two favorites are Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, which I never considered to be a Christmas song until now, and Holy, Holy, Holy which is also a Hymn. Listening to these songs with Christmas in mind gives them a whole new light to me. The way he performs them brings tears to my eyes. Oh... how touching. (but I'm serious)

I tried to attach Come Thou Fount but I'm not sure if it worked. Hopefully, otherwise check his version out on YouTube or just go buy the album.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I've been listening to those two songs particularly all year and haven't stopped loving them.

Trivia: Without looking up, How many times did I write Christmas?
Don't CHEAT!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Red lips

So I am just sitting on the couch with Hayley shootin the breeze.

We just walked to the Utah State Basketball Game. To my surprise if you aren't a student it costs $17 to get in!!! I was speechless! Since I had only been expecting $5 max, we walked back home.

Now we are just sitting. I'm looking at my afghan which is only 1/3 of the way done. I wish it were 2/3 done So bad!! To my left I have my new(old) accordian. I had my first lesson today. It was quite entertaining and I can't wait for this new adventure I have started.

Tomorrow I get to sleep in which is a rarity for me. I've been looking forward to it for a week and a half. So it's kind of a big deal.

This is a really wierd blog.

Okay. Peace out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A couple days in the life

So the past few days have have allowed me to experience so many emotions! Wow. Friday, I experienced Fear and Terror as I chased a 90 year old run away from a nursing home down a major street. He is now safe and well, not to mention crazy. Saturday I experienced Pain in my arm due to a very interesting and terrifying incident at the plasma center. Sunday I experienced Joy at my place of worship. Sunday I also experienced Frustration towards a imbecile that nearly killed one of my patients. Monday I experienced some of the worst migraine Pain followed by the greatest feeling of Peace after 30 minutes of throwing up. Sorry to gross you out. When I say say greatest peace, I mean no more pain, a crackling fire, lights down low, smores ala mode, hot chocolate on the stove, crocheting on the couch surrounded by wonderful friends and lots and lots of laughter. It was the perfect evening.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friends for the long run

A lot of friends come and go. Few stay forever. I have found my rock, my stability. This constant for me has been at my side and has had my back for three years now. It's never left me. In a way you could say it has welded itself to me and has no desire to leave me. It's name is Lye. The sad thing is that I hate this friend. It is the knot in my back. I have gone to great lengths to get rid of it yet it remains. It has developed to be the size of giant watermelon. I walk with a hunch back now because of it. It haunts me every minute of every day. Ahhhh..... how I hate.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm proud to be alive at such a historical time in history. More importantly, I'm proud to be an American! Americans are so excited for a new "change" of pace from our new leader. I'm excited to see what he can do. Through this whole election, I have had a bad attitude towards our now President Elect. I'm choosing to stand behind him now. I'm excited that our former President can hopefully, ease out of the harsh media spotlight. I appreciate his love for our country. I appreciate what he has done for our country. I appreciate that because of him, I feel safe in such a troubled world. I appreciate his respect for God. So... Thank you President Bush. I give all the hope in me to President Obama. I hope that he can unite our country.

This is where the song comes in..... "And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me........"

Ha Ha. I'm glad you couldn't hear me sing that just now. It was out loud if you were wondering.

p.s. - the man in the TV really freaks me out

Thursday, October 30, 2008

hoot..... hoot.......

So today has been rough. I don't have very many rough days. I'm pretty happy go lucky 98.4% of the time, so sometimes when these days come I don't know how to handle myself. I guess you could say that I break down. I hope this is just the man upstairs saying "Grow!" And I'm trying. I need to say thanks to a random stranger who saved my life today. Not literally, but by being completely trusting and kind to me, a stranger, made my day a whole lot better. And it didn't end all bad. I carved my pumpkin. The day before Halloween, talk about procrastination. I hope it scares the pants off all those who come knockin on our door. I can only hope.
Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall "ness"

I love fall! Logan has helped me to appreciate autumn to the Fullest. The whole city has an orange atmosphere about it. I love it. My roommates and friends and I have been trying to take advantage of every "Fall" activity we can think of. Yesterday it was playing in leaves and slacklining in the park. Tonight, it is carving pumpkins and making carmel apples. I feel like we have to enjoy every second of this wonderful season cuz winter is coming! Be afraid... be very afraid.